
Auckland Accountants, HR & Business Advisors

Call us on: +64 9 309 0463
Visit our Auckland office: Level 9, NZX, 45 Queen Street, PO Box 3899, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140

Baker Tilly Staples Rodway Auckland was founded in 1945 and has grown to be one of New Zealand's leading and most trusted independent chartered accounting firms. We have 17 directors leading a team of more than 100 professional staff and we provide great service to a wide range of clients.

For many businesses, accountancy is just a service they need, not something selected for its added value. Our talented people and diverse range of business advisory services mean we can be so much more for your business.

Having worked with some clients for several generations across our 70 years in business, we know first-hand how building strong relationships is key to business continuity and lasting success. What does this mean for you? For a start, we care about your business and your personal ambitions, so we work hard to help you find ways to grow wealth and keep it secure.

Next, you can rely on us to go beyond the obvious. We use our deep knowledge of the New Zealand business landscape to come up with innovative ideas.

We also think clearly and proactively about what kind of services will help you and how to make them affordable and effective. That means maximising technology to deliver services faster and more cost-effectively.

Our Specialist Areas

Click through the expanding menus below to learn more about our areas of expertise and if you can't find the specific assistance you're looking for, don't worry! We provide a comprehensive range of services through our nationwide network of offices and can also access offshore tax advice and other services through our international network.

Meet the Auckland team

Our specialists are here to help your business or organisation prosper!

Recent articles

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30 May 2024

Modest tax cuts for most Kiwis, but 2024 Budget lacks imagination

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23 May 2024

Obituary: Tracy Hickman – an inspiring life of love, laughter and courage

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16 May 2024

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Tax freedom comes early – but it’s a likely sign of rough weather ahead

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08 May 2024

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Let's talk leadership: A journey that doesn't have a final destination

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Changing your business structure from sole trader to a company

Are you a sole trader or a contractor? As your business grows, you may find that you need to employ staff and take on a more sophisticated structure. A company structure can provide many benefits and allow you to scale up your business.

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03 Apr 2024

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Behind the Green Door: The journey of building and selling a business

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Contact Baker Tilly Staples Rodway Auckland

Official Audit Partner of Auckland Rugby
Official Audit Partner of the New Zealand Warriors
Supporter of Auckland Art Gallery

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